An Imprint looks at his reflection. Concept by James Poirier, Art by Patis Lee
Last week I was travelling and couldn't catch up with my announcements. But it was a great pleasure to see two of my scripts, Imprinted and Girl in Trunk, which I wrote with John Leary, make quarterfinalist in the 5th Annual StoryPros International Screenwriting Contest. Also on the quarterfinalist list were my friends Angela Page with two scripts, and Michelle Muldoon and Paul Myerberg.
Semifinalists in the StoryPros Competition were announced today. Angela and I are still on the list with one script each, and Paul and Michelle are still up there too!
This is a week to wait with baited breath to hear from various contests, as the Champion Screenwriting Contests and Writers on the Storm announcements have been delayed. But StoryPros is making its announcements right on time. Finalists will be announced on December Third. On the semifinalist list with me are my friends, Angela Page, Paul Myerberg, and Michelle Muldoon. The winner buys a round!