In 2011 I attended the American Film Market. While I was there I spoke to many filmmakers who were at the market packaging films or trying to find distribution for their films, including Christine Whitlock, slapstick-horror filmmaker from Canada. All of her films showcase the same actors, actors she had worked with in the theatre. Christine worked the market tirelessly. Watching her inspired me to write a series of blogs about different filmmakers and their efforts to get their low-budget, independently produced films out to the world. Since Christine was my inspiration for this series, I'll start it with her.
Q: You started out in theatre. What led you to film?
A: I was an artist first, then a photographer, then a writer, then a filmmaker. I made two animated films: RE & DIMENSIONS in 1970-1972 as one of the artists under a Canada Council grant using the mainframe computers at the University of Toronto.
I volunteereed at theatres and cable companies. I worked as an audio-visual producer and assistant broadcast producer for an advertising agency for five and a half years doing slides shows and commercial photography.
When I lost my job in 1982, I volunteered at the Hamilton Cable 14 for 15 1/2 years where I was associate producer on the weekly show 'ASSIGNMENT HAMILTON'. I pitched short 5-10 minute news stories then researched, wrote, directed, produced and paper edited numerous videos: HUNGRY CHILDREN, A MATTER OF SPEAKING, THE HISTORY OF THE HOTDOG, etc. We won the1994 Award for Excellence in Programming in the Magazine Category by the Ontario Cable Television Producers.
In 1986, I had my first paid filmmaking job, on PLASTIC SURGERY - 1/2 hour program for CHTV, Hamilton ON.
Q: How did you get into features?
A: I was sick after the flu shot in Dec. 2002 when I watched the movie LAKE PLACID. I had an "aha!" moment and came up with the concept for SHARP TEETH that came out in Nov. 2005. I took production classes in 2003. Met my DP in Nov. 2003 who was a teacher at the Toronto Film School so we could borrow the equipment for free on weekends and get the students to help. We shot on weekends, so I had to go and pick up the equipment in rush hour on Friday afternoon and return in rush hour on Monday morning.
Christine also made a Jaws parody entitled MARINA MONSTER, the sequel to SHARP TEETH:
Her third feature was VAMPIRE DENTIST. The clip below is an interview with Christine by Richard Crouse on Independent Scene: :
Q: Lets talk bout VAMPIRE DENTIST: where did the idea come from?
A: I was in my dentist's chair getting my teeth cleaned and came up with the idea about who cleans/fixes vampire teeth. I shot for fifteen Sundays, from Halloween morning in 2004 to March of 2005. The budget was about $20,000. US cash, and a lot of favors and deferrals. Editing was completed in April of 2006. We shot on MiniDv and edited on Final Cut Pro.
Q: Talk about the distribution. How did you find the distributor?
A: I posted on and many sent me their contracts. Echelon Studios had the best deal and their references praised them especially a sub-distributor in Canada that I met.
Q: Tell us as much as you can about the financial arrangement.
A: There was no minimum guarantee. [The distribution contract allowed for] the distributor to collect f $20K marketing, $25K promotional, $20K delivery against the income of each film. This is standard in the industry -- I did my research and took classes to verify, and I had a lawyer help me get to that figure [as the distributor initially wanted more]. I was supposed to be paid any profit made over seven years, but the distributor never made its expenses, so I never got paid anything. I made some money personally selling DVDs.
Q: You went to AFM this year. Did going to AFM help you at all?
A: I went in hopes of finding a new sales agent. But since my films aren't shot in HD and are micro-budget, I'm still beating the bushes.
Q: What are you planning to do next?
A: I'm raising money for green screen and to edit footage I shot in Cuba for DAYS OF THE IGUANAS. I am also raising money to shoot THE BLOODY VIAL -- the next vampire installment of VAMPIRE DENTIST.